Monday, July 6, 2009


This was something way back in 2005, where me and a friend indulged in a weekend getaway at esselworld. It was all engulfed in a spirit of a carnival. The had beckoned a belly dancer from somewhere in middle east, and what incredible moves she managed to manifest!!
It was followed by games for children. Some kind of passing the parcel or something like that, with just a shabby teddy as the prize. The kind of euphoria that smothered those children was a treat to watch..
So..this game..someone loses if they still hold the parcel when the music stops. and I saw those children whining in all the frenzy when the were caught holding the parcel. And so trivial was the game, that I could just have that condescending smile on my face when i saw them reluctant to leave. So fleeting were their moments of happiness and mourning, and moreover they kept coming one after another. The children though not completely aware of the fate of the game, reacted religiously to all these moments. and I...could just smile.
Funny it might sound.. I realized that it was something analogous to the game of life we all play, desiring, disappointed , ecstacy and discouragement, hope and hopelessness....and there somewhere up there....I know someone is smiling condescendingly

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just when I thought we are gonna be showered with the details of the belly dancer's moves etal....the beautiful anecdote followed.

Its truely a lovely thought..:) brings me a smile